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24 Jul 2024
Egyptian Exchange
  • AALR 38.18 (-1.72%)
  • ABUK 58.10 (-0.38%)
  • ACAMD 0.77 (1.84%)
  • ACAP 0.00 (0.07%)
  • ACGC 6.36 (5.12%)
  • ACRO 50.89 (-0.18%)
  • ADCI 0.00 (0.00%)
  • ADIB 37.29 (-1.58%)
  • ADPC 2.01 (1.36%)
  • ADRI 0.70 (-0.99%)
  • AFDI 0.00 (-0.93%)
  • AFMC 21.01 (-2.78%)
  • AIFI 0.00 (0.00%)
  • AIH 0.00 (-2.41%)
  • AJWA 0.00 (2.32%)
  • ALCN 45.78 (-1.34%)
  • ALEX 13.02 (0.15%)
  • ALUM 0.00 (-0.54%)
  • AMER 0.90 (4.05%)
  • AMES 7.19 (3.16%)
  • AMIA 0.00 (0.43%)
  • AMOC 0.00 (-1.65%)
  • AMPI 1.30 (0.31%)
  • ANFI 0.00 (-16.97%)
  • APPC 0.90 (5.88%)
  • APSW 0.00 (-4.93%)
  • ARAB 0.00 (0.53%)
  • ARCC 0.00 (-0.86%)
  • AREH 0.75 (-3.49%)
  • ARPI 0.00 (-4.99%)
  • ARVA 0.00 (0.23%)
  • ASCM 0.00 (-1.87%)
  • ASPI 0.35 (0.58%)
  • ATLC 3.84 (0.00%)
  • ATQA 3.40 (-2.86%)
  • AXPH 215.50 (2.27%)
  • BIDI 1.55 (3.12%)
  • BIGP 0.13 (0.00%)
  • BINV 0.00 (1.28%)
  • BIOC 28.28 (-0.70%)
  • BTFH 3.13 (0.00%)
  • CAED 18.26 (-13.62%)
  • CANA 14.72 (-2.06%)
  • CCAP 2.23 (1.41%)
  • CCRS 0.00 (4.97%)
  • CEFM 0.00 (-11.29%)
  • CERA 0.79 (2.08%)
  • CFGH 0.07 (0.00%)
  • CICH 0.00 (0.80%)
  • CIEB 0.00 (0.69%)
  • CILB 0.45 (-0.66%)
  • CIRA 0.00 (-1.29%)
  • CLHO 6.80 (2.87%)
  • CNFN 4.00 (-4.53%)
  • COMI 81.35 (0.18%)
  • COPR 0.51 (1.80%)
  • COSG 0.00 (7.58%)
  • CPCI 0.00 (2.04%)
  • CSAG 0.00 (-0.84%)
  • DAPH 0.00 (1.57%)
  • DCRC 19.00 (8.57%)
  • DEIN 0.00 (19.96%)
  • DGTZ 0.00 (-1.48%)
  • DOMT 0.00 (2.07%)
  • DSCW 1.41 (1.66%)
  • DTPP 0.00 (5.43%)
  • EALR 34.50 (-5.71%)
  • EASB 2.73 (-4.21%)
  • EAST 22.49 (3.17%)
  • EBSC 0.00 (-4.59%)
  • ECAP 22.43 (-2.18%)
  • EDBM 0.00 (1.55%)
  • EDFM 174.00 (-0.56%)
  • EEII 0.00 (3.40%)
  • EFIC 104.00 (-0.13%)
  • EFID 29.46 (0.51%)
  • EFIH 0.00 (-2.58%)
  • EGAL 102.90 (-0.15%)
  • EGAS 26.80 (-0.74%)
  • EGBE 0.00 (0.00%)
  • EGCH 0.00 (-0.12%)
  • EGSA 6.90 (-0.43%)
  • EGTS 6.01 (-0.66%)
  • EGX30ETF 32.40 (-0.22%)
  • EHDR 0.00 (-1.98%)
  • EITP 0.00 (150.00%)
  • EIUD 0.19 (2.14%)
  • EKHO 0.78 (0.39%)
  • EKHOA 0.00 (0.76%)
  • ELEC 2.95 (0.00%)
  • ELKA 1.58 (-2.82%)
  • ELNA 0.00 (4.97%)
  • ELSH 6.58 (-1.20%)
  • ELWA 0.00 (-0.67%)
  • EMFD 6.95 (-2.39%)
  • ENGC 0.00 (-2.28%)
  • EPCO 3.71 (-1.33%)
  • EPPK 7.44 (-4.98%)
  • ESAC 0.00 (0.00%)
  • ESRS 0.00 (-2.45%)
  • ETEL 32.77 (0.00%)
  • ETRS 0.00 (0.00%)
  • EXPA 0.00 (3.05%)
  • FAIT 31.17 (1.46%)
  • FAITA 0.00 (0.51%)
  • FERC 6.94 (9.98%)
  • FIRE 2.17 (-5.86%)
  • FNAR 0.00 (-0.47%)
  • FTNS 0.00 (0.69%)
  • FWRY 0.00 (-1.03%)
  • GBCO 0.00 (-2.99%)
  • GDWA 0.00 (0.88%)
  • GGCC 0.41 (0.74%)
  • GIHD 0.00 (4.26%)
  • GMCI 0.87 (-0.23%)
  • GOCO 0.00 (-1.58%)
  • GRCA 7.00 (-2.91%)
  • GSSC 0.00 (3.07%)
  • GTEX 0.00 (2.33%)
  • GTHE 0.00 (-1.76%)
  • GTWL 27.20 (-8.39%)
  • HCFI 4.30 (17.81%)
  • HDBK 0.00 (0.57%)
  • HELI 0.00 (-0.39%)
  • HRHO 21.12 (-2.00%)
  • ICFC 29.60 (0.44%)
  • ICID 3.42 (1.48%)
  • ICMI 0.00 (4.32%)
  • IDHC 19.55 (2.89%)
  • IDRE 0.00 (4.99%)
  • IEEC 0.25 (-1.21%)
  • IFAP 13.14 (-0.45%)
  • INEG 0.17 (0.00%)
  • INFI 59.80 (13.21%)
  • IRAX 0.00 (-0.40%)
  • IRON 0.00 (-4.99%)
  • ISMA 0.00 (0.70%)
  • ISMQ 4.43 (-6.34%)
  • ISPH 0.00 (-1.33%)
  • JUFO 0.00 (1.55%)
  • KABO 0.00 (7.88%)
  • KRDI 0.63 (6.10%)
  • KWIN 25.50 (8.83%)
  • KZPC 0.00 (-0.29%)
  • LCSW 24.00 (-1.28%)
  • LUTS 0.00 (-1.40%)
  • MAAL 3.86 (-1.03%)
  • MASR 0.00 (-1.65%)
  • MBEG 1.34 (-1.69%)
  • MBSC 0.00 (-5.59%)
  • MCQE 18.72 (-0.79%)
  • MCRO 0.00 (-0.89%)
  • MENA 1.74 (6.18%)
  • MEPA 1.32 (1.62%)
  • MFPC 43.45 (-0.80%)
  • MFSC 25.49 (-11.15%)
  • MHOT 121.01 (-0.86%)
  • MICH 0.00 (1.92%)
  • MILS 0.00 (-3.76%)
  • MIPH 0.00 (0.00%)
  • MMAT 2.10 (-4.98%)
  • MOED 0.00 (-1.01%)
  • MOIL 0.38 (-1.32%)
  • MOIN 0.00 (-0.64%)
  • MOSC 49.10 (-2.00%)
  • MPCI 88.91 (-5.05%)
  • MPCO 1.29 (2.06%)
  • MPRC 0.00 (-0.99%)
  • MTIE 8.60 (-1.71%)
  • NAHO 0.13 (2.31%)
  • NBKE 15.55 (1.63%)
  • NCCW 0.00 (-0.64%)
  • NEDA 2.20 (0.46%)
  • NHPS 43.56 (0.60%)
  • NINH 0.00 (-0.76%)
  • NIPH 0.00 (1.03%)
  • OBRI 0.00 (-0.17%)
  • OCDI 42.77 (-1.70%)
  • OCPH 98.00 (-2.00%)
  • ODIN 0.00 (4.47%)
  • OFH 0.00 (-1.79%)
  • OIH 0.00 (-0.46%)
  • OLFI 10.32 (-0.77%)
  • ORAS 262.00 (-1.17%)
  • ORHD 13.01 (-4.27%)
  • ORWE 24.51 (-2.00%)
  • PACH 0.00 (3.02%)
  • PHAR 39.48 (-1.30%)
  • PHDC 0.00 (-1.48%)
  • PHTV 0.00 (-0.09%)
  • POUL 0.00 (1.48%)
  • PRCL 10.26 (-2.66%)
  • PRDC 3.13 (0.64%)
  • PRMH 0.64 (3.57%)
  • QNBE 28.97 (-0.07%)
  • RACC 6.04 (0.17%)
  • RAKT 24.82 (4.99%)
  • RAYA 0.00 (-0.48%)
  • REAC 4.60 (-1.92%)
  • RMDA 0.00 (-0.44%)
  • ROTO 0.00 (3.42%)
  • RREI 0.00 (4.05%)
  • RTVC 2.97 (-2.94%)
  • RUBX 0.00 (-2.64%)
  • SAUD 11.14 (1.92%)
  • SCEM 10.20 (0.59%)
  • SCFM 0.00 (-15.16%)
  • SCTS 0.00 (4.49%)
  • SDTI 0.00 (-1.05%)
  • SEIG 53.00 (-9.42%)
  • SIPC 0.68 (1.04%)
  • SKPC 0.00 (-1.03%)
  • SMFR 45.75 (1.22%)
  • SNFC 2.76 (2.60%)
  • SNFI 0.00 (17.00%)
  • SPIN 5.50 (-0.36%)
  • SPMD 0.37 (3.05%)
  • SUCE 0.00 (0.00%)
  • SUGR 0.00 (0.47%)
  • SVCE 2.35 (9.81%)
  • SWDY 0.00 (-0.38%)
  • TALM 8.30 (3.75%)
  • TANM 3.10 (-3.13%)
  • TAQA 0.00 (-1.35%)
  • TMGH 58.14 (0.24%)
  • TORA 70.00 (-12.50%)
  • TRTO 0.00 (-2.63%)
  • UASG 0.00 (4.92%)
  • UEFM 0.00 (4.67%)
  • UEGC 0.75 (-0.40%)
  • UNIP 0.00 (-1.86%)
  • UNIT 6.09 (-1.14%)
  • UPMS 0.00 (0.45%)
  • UTOP 0.00 (9.97%)
  • VERT 0.86 (-9.93%)
  • WCDF 258.99 (3.08%)
  • WKOL 0.00 (-1.31%)
  • ZEOT 2.38 (3.48%)
  • ZMID 7.44 (-1.46%)

Touch for Android

Experience DirectFN touch on your Android Tablet

Android Tablet which delivers an excited opportunity in accessing the stock market through your Tab.

  • Streaming quotes and real time information
  • Latest Time & Sales
  • Selection of charts and analytical tools
  • Latest News & Announcements with multi market coverage

DFN Android Tab brings to the limelight the cutting edge Android Tablet technology blended with DFN Android Tab. Whether you are at home or work place or anywhere in the world, DFN Android Tab will update you with stock market information, with access to real-time price data, graphical presentations, News and Announcements.

Key Features:
  • Create and manage multiple Watch Lists to keep track of your favorite stocks.
  • View Real-time Announcements as released by the exchange.
  • Market moving News from various news providers.
  • View Market Summary for selected exchanges.
  • Top Stocks information for a number of markets, including the Top Gainers, Top Losers and Most-Traded stocks.
  • Global Market Summary including Equities, Currencies and Commodities.
  • Market Depth information by Price and by Order.
  • Set Alerts to your favorite stocks and get notified about the latest moves.
  • Analyze the performance of symbols using Chart option featured with technical indicators.
In order to view real-time data in mobile application, please subscribe to DFN Pro 10/DirectFN Web main packages.
Market Coverage of DirectFN™ android tab application

To view the market coverage of DirectFN™, please Click here

DFN (Egypt) for Android Tab Installation Notes:

Pre-requisite: You must have a tablet running Android 4.0 or higher operating system
To install from your Android Tab:

  • On your Android Tab, go to Play Store and search for DirectFN™.
  • Tap DFN (Egypt) For Android.
  • Tap Install.

System Pre-Requisites

  • device running Android 4.1 or higher versions.
  • Internet connectivity.