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21 Oct 2024
Egyptian Exchange
  • AALR 48.00 (0.73%)
  • ABUK 63.30 (-1.09%)
  • ACAMD 0.80 (1.77%)
  • ACAP 2.79 (0.72%)
  • ACGC 6.80 (3.03%)
  • ACRO 63.20 (1.58%)
  • ACTF 2.99 (1.01%)
  • ADCI 103.99 (2.29%)
  • ADIB 36.93 (0.35%)
  • ADPC 2.64 (1.93%)
  • ADRI 1.10 (5.77%)
  • AFDI 35.30 (5.22%)
  • AFMC 24.15 (-0.74%)
  • AIFI 0.75 (1.22%)
  • AIH 0.48 (0.84%)
  • AJWA 61.40 (1.87%)
  • ALCN 21.36 (0.09%)
  • ALEX 9.00 (-40.00%)
  • ALUM 13.70 (2.01%)
  • AMER 1.28 (5.79%)
  • AMES 21.12 (2.18%)
  • AMIA 2.37 (0.85%)
  • AMOC 7.70 (1.32%)
  • AMPI 2.70 (9.31%)
  • ANFI 23.45 (-1.59%)
  • APPC 1.11 (3.74%)
  • APSW 8.09 (1.00%)
  • ARAB 0.33 (3.75%)
  • ARCC 14.43 (-3.48%)
  • AREH 0.63 (0.48%)
  • ARVA 1.89 (0.00%)
  • ASCM 37.65 (0.43%)
  • ASPI 0.27 (1.11%)
  • ASPI_r2 0.05 (-13.79%)
  • ATLC 3.77 (1.07%)
  • ATQA 4.45 (3.01%)
  • AXPH 244.70 (1.47%)
  • BIDI 1.50 (-2.60%)
  • BIGP 0.13 (0.00%)
  • BINV 22.93 (0.97%)
  • BIOC 40.07 (0.15%)
  • BTFH 2.90 (2.47%)
  • CAED 32.30 (1.99%)
  • CANA 14.98 (-0.60%)
  • CCAP 2.15 (5.91%)
  • CCRS 29.44 (-4.97%)
  • CEFM 53.50 (0.32%)
  • CERA 0.82 (3.27%)
  • CFGH 0.14 (0.70%)
  • CICH 5.60 (1.27%)
  • CIEB 19.40 (3.30%)
  • CIRA 14.21 (1.07%)
  • CLHO 8.79 (1.97%)
  • CNFN 4.50 (1.12%)
  • COMI 79.50 (3.91%)
  • COPR 0.46 (5.77%)
  • COSG 0.23 (1.35%)
  • CPCI 84.90 (0.96%)
  • CSAG 22.40 (7.18%)
  • DAPH 56.10 (-1.60%)
  • DEIN 17.07 (19.96%)
  • DGTZ 2.23 (-0.45%)
  • DIFC 700.00 (13900.00%)
  • DOMT 27.31 (-2.11%)
  • DSCW 1.58 (5.33%)
  • DTPP 55.00 (-1.80%)
  • EALR 53.25 (-2.40%)
  • EASB 3.92 (-2.97%)
  • EAST 27.97 (1.56%)
  • EBSC 0.71 (1.28%)
  • ECAP 27.20 (12.63%)
  • EDBM 0.29 (1.76%)
  • EDFM 190.89 (2.39%)
  • EEII 1.24 (1.64%)
  • EFIC 141.00 (1.65%)
  • EFID 32.80 (12.79%)
  • EFIH 20.63 (1.63%)
  • EGAL 120.10 (0.08%)
  • EGAS 44.20 (4.00%)
  • EGBE 0.28 (0.72%)
  • EGCH 8.16 (1.37%)
  • EGREF 9.35 (-13.82%)
  • EGSA 6.77 (0.00%)
  • EGTS 5.38 (-1.10%)
  • EHDR 0.33 (0.00%)
  • EITP 12.00 (-8.19%)
  • EIUD 0.20 (2.06%)
  • EKHO 0.83 (0.61%)
  • EKHOA 32.40 (0.93%)
  • ELEC 2.82 (1.81%)
  • ELKA 1.75 (1.74%)
  • ELNA 19.40 (-1.42%)
  • ELSH 6.16 (1.32%)
  • ELWA 0.68 (3.19%)
  • EMFD 7.90 (6.61%)
  • ENGC 21.60 (2.86%)
  • EOSB 1.10 (-4.35%)
  • EPCO 4.13 (0.73%)
  • EPPK 7.39 (-2.51%)
  • ESAC 0.10 (25.00%)
  • ESRS 106.35 (1.29%)
  • ETEL 32.01 (0.72%)
  • ETRS 4.25 (3.41%)
  • EXPA 15.33 (0.07%)
  • FAIT 32.49 (0.46%)
  • FAITA 0.99 (0.20%)
  • FIRE 1.88 (3.30%)
  • FNAR 1.87 (-8.78%)
  • FWRY 7.97 (2.18%)
  • GBCO 14.50 (2.26%)
  • GDWA 5.18 (2.78%)
  • GGCC 0.37 (1.64%)
  • GIHD 23.01 (1.01%)
  • GMCI 0.85 (-2.75%)
  • GOCO 0.91 (4.98%)
  • GRCA 8.92 (-0.89%)
  • GSSC 155.40 (-1.73%)
  • GTEX 0.05 (-2.17%)
  • GTHE 2.16 (8.00%)
  • GTWL 24.10 (0.00%)
  • HCFI 3.13 (-4.57%)
  • HDBK 44.00 (0.69%)
  • HELI 9.65 (4.78%)
  • HRHO 21.00 (3.45%)
  • ICFC 9.66 (0.21%)
  • ICID 3.99 (2.31%)
  • ICMI 1.90 (-4.04%)
  • IDRE 14.29 (-0.76%)
  • IEEC 0.24 (0.84%)
  • IFAP 15.40 (2.19%)
  • INEG 0.21 (1.47%)
  • INFI 60.99 (-0.15%)
  • IRAX 1250.00 (0.00%)
  • IRON 34.25 (2.15%)
  • ISMA 9.21 (0.11%)
  • ISMQ 4.14 (2.99%)
  • ISPH 5.31 (1.14%)
  • JUFO 33.61 (8.18%)
  • KABO 2.53 (-0.78%)
  • KRDI 0.49 (1.46%)
  • KWIN 29.42 (-6.37%)
  • KZPC 11.34 (3.09%)
  • LCSW 23.55 (3.06%)
  • LUTS 0.39 (2.09%)
  • MAAL 3.44 (-1.43%)
  • MASR 3.96 (1.80%)
  • MBEG 2.84 (3.27%)
  • MBSC 45.89 (8.13%)
  • MCQE 29.08 (-2.42%)
  • MCRO 1.74 (1.16%)
  • MENA 2.16 (-2.26%)
  • MEPA 1.25 (2.46%)
  • MFPC 40.79 (0.39%)
  • MFSC 28.50 (-0.77%)
  • MHOT 24.00 (0.50%)
  • MICH 33.00 (0.06%)
  • MILS 43.00 (4.27%)
  • MIPH 159.55 (1.68%)
  • MKIT 1.46 (-8.75%)
  • MOED 0.36 (0.56%)
  • MOIL 0.36 (4.90%)
  • MOIN 20.00 (4.82%)
  • MOSC 59.20 (-1.33%)
  • MPCI 52.16 (-2.67%)
  • MPCO 1.04 (6.33%)
  • MPRC 28.64 (9.94%)
  • MTIE 6.53 (6.01%)
  • NAHO 0.16 (1.24%)
  • NBKE 29.50 (-26.25%)
  • NCCW 3.81 (1.60%)
  • NEDA 2.02 (0.50%)
  • NHPS 48.00 (0.38%)
  • NINH 7.54 (-3.21%)
  • NIPH 92.20 (-0.64%)
  • OBRI 6.88 (1.93%)
  • OCDI 65.80 (4.26%)
  • OCPH 113.00 (-1.78%)
  • ODIN 1.60 (0.00%)
  • OFH 0.31 (1.66%)
  • OIH 0.38 (4.44%)
  • OLFI 19.22 (-3.22%)
  • ORAS 285.50 (1.58%)
  • ORHD 12.60 (0.80%)
  • ORWE 34.75 (18.72%)
  • PHAR 52.82 (0.23%)
  • PHDC 5.60 (8.95%)
  • PHTV 167.50 (-0.85%)
  • POUL 12.25 (5.69%)
  • PRCL 11.16 (1.45%)
  • PRDC 3.24 (0.62%)
  • PRMH 0.57 (-1.04%)
  • QNBE 29.91 (-0.07%)
  • RACC 6.24 (3.14%)
  • RAKT 20.91 (4.81%)
  • RAYA 3.29 (3.46%)
  • REAC 7.04 (2.77%)
  • RKAZ 1.62 (5.19%)
  • RMDA 3.52 (5.71%)
  • ROTO 31.78 (-4.99%)
  • RREI 1.43 (-0.69%)
  • RTVC 3.30 (4.76%)
  • RUBX 6.80 (2.56%)
  • SAUD 13.32 (1.60%)
  • SCEM 34.53 (-2.60%)
  • SCFM 35.10 (-1.49%)
  • SCTS 88.25 (1.92%)
  • SDTI 15.70 (2.68%)
  • SEIG 60.00 (-5.62%)
  • SIPC 1.22 (-0.81%)
  • SKPC 20.77 (0.58%)
  • SMFR 59.03 (-2.17%)
  • SNFC 2.94 (2.80%)
  • SNFI 4.85 (-3.96%)
  • SPIN 7.45 (0.27%)
  • SPMD 0.33 (0.61%)
  • SUCE 24.48 (8.80%)
  • SUGR 63.35 (3.63%)
  • SVCE 3.66 (0.00%)
  • SWDY 87.05 (3.02%)
  • TALM 9.70 (5.55%)
  • TANM 3.03 (2.36%)
  • TAQA 13.40 (1.44%)
  • TMGH 58.99 (5.34%)
  • TORA 59.50 (0.85%)
  • UASG 0.66 (0.00%)
  • UEFM 183.00 (-2.29%)
  • UEGC 0.78 (-0.89%)
  • UNIP 0.48 (1.49%)
  • UNIT 5.49 (1.48%)
  • UPMS 2.96 (9.23%)
  • UTOP 28.76 (-3.65%)
  • VERT 0.84 (-9.37%)
  • WCDF 319.49 (0.90%)
  • WKOL 93.39 (1.63%)
  • ZEOT 2.91 (0.34%)
  • ZMID 7.10 (2.45%)

Delayed Feed

Direct FN™, a wholly owned subsidiary of National Technology Group (NTG) - one of the largest ICT companies in the Middle East, specializes in providing solutions ranging from desktop information workstations, transaction systems and order management systems through to total end to end solutions. Direct FN™ products are deployed in some of the largest financial institutions across the Middle East and South Asia. Direct FN™ is also a provider of exchange information to institutions via direct feeds or its Direct FN™ workstation, which includes reference data, charting tools and other content required by both the professional and retail investment community in the Middle East and global investment community.

Direct FN™ Delayed data Products offer a comprehensive solution that provides the delayed data feed platform to view delayed prices and market information. The solution covers a broad range of markets from US to Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia with the ability to focus on the different dynamics of local markets.

Direct FN™ solutions are powered by industry standard cutting edge technology that combines timely and accurate data and order management with the highest quality of service. Direct FN™ provides these data in a web service structure or in an I-Frame solution as per client request.

View demo by clicking here

1- Today Traded data

We provide a feed of delayed data to view today traded information reference to the market ID as follows:

  • OPEN
  • HIGH
  • LOW
  • VWAP
2- Top Symbols

We provide the top stocks in the market reference to the status like (Gainers, Losers, Volume and values) [Top 6 records] as follows.

3- Top announcements

We provide a feed of the latest announcements in the Egypt market [latest 6 records]

Data Specifications
  • Headline
  • Last update Date/Time
  • Body & Source
4- Market summery

We provide the market summery status displaying the following details:

  • Last Active Date
  • Market Name in [En / Ar]
  • Volume
  • Turnover
  • Number of trades
  • Number of up symbols
  • Number of down symbols
  • Number of no change symbols
5- Market Index

We provide the list of indices related to their market.

Data Specifications
  • Index name
  • Value
  • Change
  • Change %
  • Turnover
  • Volume
  • High
  • Low
  • Open
6- Symbol data

We provide the symbols details related to each market and the details of this symbol.

Data Specifications
  • Symbol
  • Arabic name
  • English name
  • Currency
  • Type
  • Sector