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24 Jul 2024
Egyptian Exchange
  • AALR 38.18 (-1.72%)
  • ABUK 58.10 (-0.38%)
  • ACAMD 0.77 (1.84%)
  • ACAP 0.00 (0.07%)
  • ACGC 6.36 (5.12%)
  • ACRO 50.89 (-0.18%)
  • ADCI 0.00 (0.00%)
  • ADIB 37.29 (-1.58%)
  • ADPC 2.01 (1.36%)
  • ADRI 0.70 (-0.99%)
  • AFDI 0.00 (-0.93%)
  • AFMC 21.01 (-2.78%)
  • AIFI 0.00 (0.00%)
  • AIH 0.00 (-2.41%)
  • AJWA 0.00 (2.32%)
  • ALCN 45.78 (-1.34%)
  • ALEX 13.02 (0.15%)
  • ALUM 0.00 (-0.54%)
  • AMER 0.90 (4.05%)
  • AMES 7.19 (3.16%)
  • AMIA 0.00 (0.43%)
  • AMOC 0.00 (-1.65%)
  • AMPI 1.30 (0.31%)
  • ANFI 0.00 (-16.97%)
  • APPC 0.90 (5.88%)
  • APSW 0.00 (-4.93%)
  • ARAB 0.00 (0.53%)
  • ARCC 0.00 (-0.86%)
  • AREH 0.75 (-3.49%)
  • ARPI 0.00 (-4.99%)
  • ARVA 0.00 (0.23%)
  • ASCM 0.00 (-1.87%)
  • ASPI 0.35 (0.58%)
  • ATLC 3.84 (0.00%)
  • ATQA 3.40 (-2.86%)
  • AXPH 215.50 (2.27%)
  • BIDI 1.55 (3.12%)
  • BIGP 0.13 (0.00%)
  • BINV 0.00 (1.28%)
  • BIOC 28.28 (-0.70%)
  • BTFH 3.13 (0.00%)
  • CAED 18.26 (-13.62%)
  • CANA 14.72 (-2.06%)
  • CCAP 2.23 (1.41%)
  • CCRS 0.00 (4.97%)
  • CEFM 0.00 (-11.29%)
  • CERA 0.79 (2.08%)
  • CFGH 0.07 (0.00%)
  • CICH 0.00 (0.80%)
  • CIEB 0.00 (0.69%)
  • CILB 0.45 (-0.66%)
  • CIRA 0.00 (-1.29%)
  • CLHO 6.80 (2.87%)
  • CNFN 4.00 (-4.53%)
  • COMI 81.35 (0.18%)
  • COPR 0.51 (1.80%)
  • COSG 0.00 (7.58%)
  • CPCI 0.00 (2.04%)
  • CSAG 0.00 (-0.84%)
  • DAPH 0.00 (1.57%)
  • DCRC 19.00 (8.57%)
  • DEIN 0.00 (19.96%)
  • DGTZ 0.00 (-1.48%)
  • DOMT 0.00 (2.07%)
  • DSCW 1.41 (1.66%)
  • DTPP 0.00 (5.43%)
  • EALR 34.50 (-5.71%)
  • EASB 2.73 (-4.21%)
  • EAST 22.49 (3.17%)
  • EBSC 0.00 (-4.59%)
  • ECAP 22.43 (-2.18%)
  • EDBM 0.00 (1.55%)
  • EDFM 174.00 (-0.56%)
  • EEII 0.00 (3.40%)
  • EFIC 104.00 (-0.13%)
  • EFID 29.46 (0.51%)
  • EFIH 0.00 (-2.58%)
  • EGAL 102.90 (-0.15%)
  • EGAS 26.80 (-0.74%)
  • EGBE 0.00 (0.00%)
  • EGCH 0.00 (-0.12%)
  • EGSA 6.90 (-0.43%)
  • EGTS 6.01 (-0.66%)
  • EGX30ETF 32.40 (-0.22%)
  • EHDR 0.00 (-1.98%)
  • EITP 0.00 (150.00%)
  • EIUD 0.19 (2.14%)
  • EKHO 0.78 (0.39%)
  • EKHOA 0.00 (0.76%)
  • ELEC 2.95 (0.00%)
  • ELKA 1.58 (-2.82%)
  • ELNA 0.00 (4.97%)
  • ELSH 6.58 (-1.20%)
  • ELWA 0.00 (-0.67%)
  • EMFD 6.95 (-2.39%)
  • ENGC 0.00 (-2.28%)
  • EPCO 3.71 (-1.33%)
  • EPPK 7.44 (-4.98%)
  • ESAC 0.00 (0.00%)
  • ESRS 0.00 (-2.45%)
  • ETEL 32.77 (0.00%)
  • ETRS 0.00 (0.00%)
  • EXPA 0.00 (3.05%)
  • FAIT 31.17 (1.46%)
  • FAITA 0.00 (0.51%)
  • FERC 6.94 (9.98%)
  • FIRE 2.17 (-5.86%)
  • FNAR 0.00 (-0.47%)
  • FTNS 0.00 (0.69%)
  • FWRY 0.00 (-1.03%)
  • GBCO 0.00 (-2.99%)
  • GDWA 0.00 (0.88%)
  • GGCC 0.41 (0.74%)
  • GIHD 0.00 (4.26%)
  • GMCI 0.87 (-0.23%)
  • GOCO 0.00 (-1.58%)
  • GRCA 7.00 (-2.91%)
  • GSSC 0.00 (3.07%)
  • GTEX 0.00 (2.33%)
  • GTHE 0.00 (-1.76%)
  • GTWL 27.20 (-8.39%)
  • HCFI 4.30 (17.81%)
  • HDBK 0.00 (0.57%)
  • HELI 0.00 (-0.39%)
  • HRHO 21.12 (-2.00%)
  • ICFC 29.60 (0.44%)
  • ICID 3.42 (1.48%)
  • ICMI 0.00 (4.32%)
  • IDHC 19.55 (2.89%)
  • IDRE 0.00 (4.99%)
  • IEEC 0.25 (-1.21%)
  • IFAP 13.14 (-0.45%)
  • INEG 0.17 (0.00%)
  • INFI 59.80 (13.21%)
  • IRAX 0.00 (-0.40%)
  • IRON 0.00 (-4.99%)
  • ISMA 0.00 (0.70%)
  • ISMQ 4.43 (-6.34%)
  • ISPH 0.00 (-1.33%)
  • JUFO 0.00 (1.55%)
  • KABO 0.00 (7.88%)
  • KRDI 0.63 (6.10%)
  • KWIN 25.50 (8.83%)
  • KZPC 0.00 (-0.29%)
  • LCSW 24.00 (-1.28%)
  • LUTS 0.00 (-1.40%)
  • MAAL 3.86 (-1.03%)
  • MASR 0.00 (-1.65%)
  • MBEG 1.34 (-1.69%)
  • MBSC 0.00 (-5.59%)
  • MCQE 18.72 (-0.79%)
  • MCRO 0.00 (-0.89%)
  • MENA 1.74 (6.18%)
  • MEPA 1.32 (1.62%)
  • MFPC 43.45 (-0.80%)
  • MFSC 25.49 (-11.15%)
  • MHOT 121.01 (-0.86%)
  • MICH 0.00 (1.92%)
  • MILS 0.00 (-3.76%)
  • MIPH 0.00 (0.00%)
  • MMAT 2.10 (-4.98%)
  • MOED 0.00 (-1.01%)
  • MOIL 0.38 (-1.32%)
  • MOIN 0.00 (-0.64%)
  • MOSC 49.10 (-2.00%)
  • MPCI 88.91 (-5.05%)
  • MPCO 1.29 (2.06%)
  • MPRC 0.00 (-0.99%)
  • MTIE 8.60 (-1.71%)
  • NAHO 0.13 (2.31%)
  • NBKE 15.55 (1.63%)
  • NCCW 0.00 (-0.64%)
  • NEDA 2.20 (0.46%)
  • NHPS 43.56 (0.60%)
  • NINH 0.00 (-0.76%)
  • NIPH 0.00 (1.03%)
  • OBRI 0.00 (-0.17%)
  • OCDI 42.77 (-1.70%)
  • OCPH 98.00 (-2.00%)
  • ODIN 0.00 (4.47%)
  • OFH 0.00 (-1.79%)
  • OIH 0.00 (-0.46%)
  • OLFI 10.32 (-0.77%)
  • ORAS 262.00 (-1.17%)
  • ORHD 13.01 (-4.27%)
  • ORWE 24.51 (-2.00%)
  • PACH 0.00 (3.02%)
  • PHAR 39.48 (-1.30%)
  • PHDC 0.00 (-1.48%)
  • PHTV 0.00 (-0.09%)
  • POUL 0.00 (1.48%)
  • PRCL 10.26 (-2.66%)
  • PRDC 3.13 (0.64%)
  • PRMH 0.64 (3.57%)
  • QNBE 28.97 (-0.07%)
  • RACC 6.04 (0.17%)
  • RAKT 24.82 (4.99%)
  • RAYA 0.00 (-0.48%)
  • REAC 4.60 (-1.92%)
  • RMDA 0.00 (-0.44%)
  • ROTO 0.00 (3.42%)
  • RREI 0.00 (4.05%)
  • RTVC 2.97 (-2.94%)
  • RUBX 0.00 (-2.64%)
  • SAUD 11.14 (1.92%)
  • SCEM 10.20 (0.59%)
  • SCFM 0.00 (-15.16%)
  • SCTS 0.00 (4.49%)
  • SDTI 0.00 (-1.05%)
  • SEIG 53.00 (-9.42%)
  • SIPC 0.68 (1.04%)
  • SKPC 0.00 (-1.03%)
  • SMFR 45.75 (1.22%)
  • SNFC 2.76 (2.60%)
  • SNFI 0.00 (17.00%)
  • SPIN 5.50 (-0.36%)
  • SPMD 0.37 (3.05%)
  • SUCE 0.00 (0.00%)
  • SUGR 0.00 (0.47%)
  • SVCE 2.35 (9.81%)
  • SWDY 0.00 (-0.38%)
  • TALM 8.30 (3.75%)
  • TANM 3.10 (-3.13%)
  • TAQA 0.00 (-1.35%)
  • TMGH 58.14 (0.24%)
  • TORA 70.00 (-12.50%)
  • TRTO 0.00 (-2.63%)
  • UASG 0.00 (4.92%)
  • UEFM 0.00 (4.67%)
  • UEGC 0.75 (-0.40%)
  • UNIP 0.00 (-1.86%)
  • UNIT 6.09 (-1.14%)
  • UPMS 0.00 (0.45%)
  • UTOP 0.00 (9.97%)
  • VERT 0.86 (-9.93%)
  • WCDF 258.99 (3.08%)
  • WKOL 0.00 (-1.31%)
  • ZEOT 2.38 (3.48%)
  • ZMID 7.44 (-1.46%)
About Us

DirectFN™, a wholly owned subsidiary of National Technology Group (NTG) - one of the largest ICT companies in the Middle East, specializes in providing solutions ranging from desktop information workstations, transaction systems and order management systems through to total end to end solutions. DirectFN™ products are deployed in some of the largest financial institutions across the Middle East and South Asia. DirectFN™ is also a provider of exchange information to institutions via direct feeds or its DirectFN™ workstation, which includes reference data, charting tools and other content required by both the professional and retail investment community in the Middle East and global investment community.

DirectFN™ Investor Products offer a comprehensive solution that provides the financial community with a single platform to view real-time prices and related information for multiple asset classes. The solution covers a broad range of markets from US to Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia with the ability to focus on the different dynamics of local markets.

DirectFN™ Trade Solutions offer next generation order management and Straight Through Processing (STP) technology to buy/sell side financial institutions.

DirectFN™ Products are available in multiple languages.

DirectFN™ solutions are powered by industry standard cutting edge technology that combines timely and accurate data and order management with the highest quality of service.

About NTG

Headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, National Technology Group (NTG) is a multi-national conglomerate with over 20 specialized Information and Communication Technology (ICT) businesses in Middle East, India, Sri Lanka & USA.

Incorporated in 1984 with a single ICT company as Arabic Computer Systems Ltd. (ACS), NTG today has over 20 subsidiaries with more than 3500 IT professionals and an annual revenue exceeding US$ 480 million. Over the past twenty years, NTG has been growing steadily with strong team conviction, support of international partners, strategic business alliances and long term clients and is now recognized as the fastest growing ICT group in the Middle East.

NTG serves some of the Middle East’s most prestigious clients in Government, Banking & Finance, Oil & Gas, Utilities and SME’s sectors and is expanding rapidly into new geographies, setting up joint ventures, incubating new ideas and launching new ICT initiatives.

As a future strategy, NTG hopes to venture into the European, Asian and US markets with its ICT Solutions. NTG already has several worldwide operations with a fully staffed purchasing and support center in Chicago, USA and will continue to venture into new ICT businesses.

Our Mission

  • We aim to satisfy you with our services
  • Coverage of the largest number of Arab and foreign financial markets
  • Work on the development and modernization of our products to keep up with modern technology
  • Interacting with market requirements first and foremost in innovative ways
  • Our Vision

    Leadership in data transfer and instant prices field in Egypt and the middle east and spread the awareness and culture of the stock market.

    Our Team

    Ahmed Farouk

    Ahmed Farouk

    Mohamed Mamdouh

    Mohamed Mamdouh

    Financial Manager
    Mahmoud Khairy

    Mahmoud Khairy

    Administration Manager
    Sheref El Rooky

    Sheref El Rooky

    Sales Manager